Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sciatic Nerve Pain Remedy And Treatment

By Steven Sea

With the changes in the way we live, compared to our fore fathers, there has been an emergence of complications that were did not exist earlier. These relatively new complications call for research in the field of medicine to curb them. Most of the researches done, only offer curative solutions to these problems. An example of these relatively new health complications is sciatica, a condition that causes Sciatic nerve pain. This is a condition of pain and numbness of the legs originating from the spinal cord.
There are a varied forms or types of Sciatic nerve pain. The differences in pain are brought about by the differences in severity and causes of sciatica. Some of the pains are ordinary sharp, short-lived pains that disappear within seconds or a few minutes. These normal sciatic pains do not call for seeking of medical help. Severe and long-lived pains are the ones that need urgent medical attention. If a symptom lasts for abnormally wrong, it is only wise to seek for medical help, even if the pain is a common occurrence to you.
The different forms Sciatic nerve pain have different forms of treatment. Some require medications while others fade away in minutes. Due to the pain involved in all the forms, people tend to look for medical attention even with the mildest of all forms. By been mild does not mean that it is not painful; it is, the mildness comes in the duration and the severity of the condition. If the symptom last for long then it stops from being mild and becomes severe.
The best way to treat this condition without negative side effects associated with medical drugs s by exercise. Exercises develop stomach muscles. Other methods are herbal remedies. The herbal remedies include raw garlic, celery and any other sources of thiamine. Drinking a lot of water as water increases the circulation of blood in the body and sustains proper hydration of the body. Another home remedy is the application of alternate hot and cold compressions by use of treatment pads on the aching part.
There are however medical remedies for Sciatic nerve pain. These remedies are meant for all people suffering sciatica whether mild or severe. The remedies range from tablet medicines to therapy and surgery for the severest cases. If home remedies do not work for you, it is best to seek medical advice even with the mildest of all forms of sciatica.
Do you want to diagnose sciatica using a safe and sound method? If yes, then waste no more time and click here right away for more insight.
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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Understanding Sciatica Nerve Pain In Pregnant Woman And The Possible Remedies

By Steven Sea

A range of discomforts are experienced by a woman who is pregnant. The reason behind this is the increasing weight that puts stress on the back portion and legs. Few woman also experience sciatica nerve pain during the period of pregnancy. Occurrence of this can lead to extreme painful from the regular uncomfortable discomfort. The sciatica nerve is the largest nerve in the body which stimulates and controls the movement of the lower part of the body. When there is compression and inflammation observed in the physical body, pressing action stresses the sciatica nerve causing acute pain.
Women who complain about sciatica nerve pain which is sharp and shooting down the back of the legs, have experienced the same before pregnancy. One of the main reasons for occurrence of such pain is prolonged working on their feet and excessive weight. The best way to reduce the pain is to lie down to one of the side. This particular posture reduces the overall burden on the back and the legs. Depending upon the nature of activities that are carried out in day to day life, one must set postures accordingly. This step reduces the development of sciatica and reduces the pain in the lower back and leg.
Sciatica nerve pain can also be reduced by providing warmth to the body. Use of warm compresses, a warm bath and a controlled temperature in the room will prevent the aggression of pain. It is always advisable not to use heels during pregnancy as they cause discomfort and increase the level of sciatica. Use of comfortable shoes with soft soles is preferable as they offer nil or reduced stress development in the feet. Regular exercises will help reduce the amount of stress developed in the lower back portion of the body.
It is also necessary to consult a doctor for approval to carry out certain exercises to prevent sciatica nerve pain. Swimming is one of the best available exercises that prevent the development of sciatica. Pregnant woman can also look forward for prenatal yoga that provides greater relief from the stress and increases the amount of relaxation. If the pain is aggravating, one must visit a physical therapist who will offer help by showcasing special exercises that will improve the strength in the regions of abdomen, lower back and pelvic muscles. Sciatica occurs as a temporary ailment during pregnancy and can be overcome with little preventive measures.
Searching for information on how diagnose sciatica nerve pain safely? Then, read on more about sciatica nerve pain without wasting more time.
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Friday, August 18, 2017

Understanding The Root Cause of Sciatica Pain

By Steven Sea

It is very important for a person to understand in detail about sciatica. The reasons, symptoms and causes differ from person to person. Due to this sole reason, the origination of sciatica changes accordingly. Sciatica pain is caused due to compression of nerve roots at the end of the spinal canal. Medical term for sciatica is Radiculopathy - a condition where a nerve root experiences pinching, compressed and irritated. Finding the exact root cause for the occurrence of sciatica will be helpful in providing the right treatment. Current article discusses about the common causes that elevate the pain.
Provided below are few of the important sciatica pain causing factors.
1. Degenerative disc disease:
Occurrence of degeneration in a disk is due to aging. One or more degenerated discs in the lower spinal region can cause irritation to the nerve root resulting in development of sciatica. Diagnosis for a degenerative disc carried out when a person is experiencing excessive micro-motion and inflammation. Proteins present inside the disc are exposed which is the root cause for inflammation and irritation. It is a natural aging process and requires attention in its early stage to prevent its growth.
2. Isthmic spondylolisthesis:
One or more vertebral body slips forward into another vertebral body (example: L5 vertebra slips to S1 vertebra). Due to this situation, a small stress is developed that causes pinching effect on the nerve root. When a combination of disk space collapse, a fracture and the slipping of vertebral body occurs, the pinching effect is elevated causing the development of sciatica.
3. Piriformis syndrome:
Irritation in the sciatica nerve is caused by piriformis muscle present at the rear. There is a chance that pinching effect is created by the muscle which leads to the development of sciatica. Though it does not represent true sciatica, the pain developed resembles the same as sciatica due to the irritation.
In order to overcome sciatica pain, it is important for a person to note down the symptoms experienced to find out the root cause of the problem. Based on this, a reputed spinal therapist will be in a position to provide treatment that comprises of medication and tailor made exercises. Diagnosis will also be helpful in finding out the root cause especially when patients opt for MR Neurography. Reducing the pain is an important factor to carry out regular activities in a day to day life without any trouble.
Now that you fully know the causes of sciatica pain, it is time to seek for an effective treatment. Get rid of sciatica pain permanently by learning the most effective treatments right away.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

3 Conditions Commonly Misdiagnosed As Sciatica

By Amee LaTour

Sciatica is a common diagnosis of lower back, hip and leg pain. The cause of sciatica is often a herniated disc in the lower back, but could also be related to other conditions like SI joint dysfunction or piriformis syndrome. Since sciatica is a common cause of radiating pain, it is easy for other conditions that cause such pain to be misdiagnosed as sciatica. Misdiagnosis means mistreatment.
As a patient or a medical professional, it is important to be aware of all possible causes of pain to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. The following conditions may mimic aspects of sciatica.
Hip Bursitis
Bursa is a fluid sac that allows two body parts to move smoothly over one another. A tendon passes over the outside of the upper thigh bone and a bursa rests between them to prevent friction. Inflamed hip bursa causes hip bursitis. The tendon moves across the bursa and hip with every leg movement; if the bursa is inflamed, this motion will cause pain. This pain can radiate throughout the pelvis, affecting the lower back, buttocks and groin.
Hip bursitis is only common in athletic people who do a lot of running and those who have had hip surgery. It may also appear in people who have fallen hard on the hip. Many of its symptoms are similar to those of sciatica, and it may be misdiagnosed as such. People with hip bursitis usually have visible inflammation at the site of the bursa and feel pain when this area is touched; this is not a symptom of sciatica and can be used to distinguish between the two conditions.
Femoral Nerve Entrapment
The femoral nerve leaves the spine at the second, third and fourth lumbar vertebrae and travels down the front of the thigh. This nerve supplies sensory and motor function to the groin and the front of the thigh.
On its journey from the lower back to the leg, the femoral nerve passes through the psoas muscle. This muscle stretches from the top of the thigh bone to the lumbar spine and assists in movements that bring the lower and upper body closer together. If the psoas muscle is tight and inflamed, it can compress the femoral nerve, which causes referred pain throughout the groin and down the leg.
The femoral nerve may also be compressed at the groin fold due to static "frog leg position," such as when riding a horse. It can be compressed by wearing tight belts or by impact. The radiating pain caused by femoral nerve compression can be mistaken for a symptom of sciatica. Pain radiating from the femoral nerve will likely occur on the front of the thigh, whereas sciatica pain tends to be more focused on the back of the thigh. This can help decipher the true cause.
Trigger Points
Trigger points are knots that form in the connective tissue of muscles. They are composed of tissue in isolated spasm, and generally occur through overuse of a muscle over time. Trigger points can refer pain to other parts of the body. When these knots form in the muscles of the lower back or buttocks, they can refer pain along the same path as the sciatic nerve. See the blog by neuromuscular therapist Christina Abbott at for more on this.
Hip bursitis, femoral nerve entrapment and trigger points in muscles of the core can cause sciatica-like symptoms. Avoiding common diagnosis errors will help ensure that you get proper treatment for the cause of your pain.
Industrialized nations suffer from a plague of spinal health problems. The solution is learning as much as possible starting with Back Pain Solutions Online. Repetitive use injuries may lead to improper diagnosis of your back pain problem. Read more about how to use 7 strategies to reduce back pain in your life, right now.
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Monday, August 14, 2017

Yoga - 3 Easy Poses to Relieve Sciatica Pain

By Sharon M. Jones

Sciatica pain anyone? If so, I can relate, ouch! For those of you who are unsure exactly what Sciatica pain is, it is usually described as a pinched, compressed or irritated nerve at the base of the spine that causes pain in the low back, buttocks, hip and continuing down the leg through the thigh and in some cases all the way down to the foot. No matter if you have one of these symptoms or all of them, it is painful, irritating and can often hinder daily activities and disrupt sleep.
So what can you do? That's an easy one, Yoga. Of course not all poses are recommended if you're having sciatica pain, but there are several you can choose from depending on your level of pain. Personally I have found 3 poses that work without fail for me and I can practice them no matter the level of pain I'm experiencing and still find relief.
3 Easy Yoga Poses for Sciatica Pain Relief
  1. Extended Child's Pose - Kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels. If this is painful, sit on a pillow between your legs and bottom to modify. Slowly bend at the waist, extend your arms out in front of you sliding down until you can rest your forehead on the floor. Don't forget to breath long slow inhales and exhales. Breath into where your pain is and concentrate on relaxing all of the muscles in the back and shoulders.

  2. Downward Facing Dog - Start this position on the floor on both your hands and knees. Tuck your toes and slowly lift your knees off the floor and keeping your hands where they are. Slowly lift into a pike position making sure your ears are even with your elbows and lift your hips towards the ceiling. You can deepen into this position by slightly moving forward and then pushing back to deepen the stretch. Stretch only to the point that is comfortable for you and not painful. Again breathe into where your pain is and concentrate on relaxing all your muscles into the pose.

  3. Sage's Pose - Start sitting on the floor with your legs together and straight out in front of you, feet flexed. Cross your left leg over your right knee and place your foot on the opposite side of your right leg. Take your right arm and twist towards your left knee. Breathing in, turn back towards the front, exhale twisting to the left again. Work a few minutes on twisting into the pose with each breath. Then switch legs and repeat on the opposite side.

It is important to remember that all of these poses need to remain comfortable for you and modify when necessary. Practicing these poses a couple of days can ease pain and in some cases eliminate sciatica pain completely. If you are interested in other pain relieving poses please click here. Sciatica pain is a symptom of another problem I would recommend that you seek medical advice to determine the source of your pain.
Sharon has used alternative solutions for a healthy lifestyle that include healthy organic eating, Yoga & Meditation. She has spent the last several years motivating friends and family with tips tricks and words of encouragement. If you are looking for a little positive re-enforcement or sign up to receive automatic email alerts for new posts or published articles, visit her blog at []
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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Sciatic Pain Nutritional SupplementsSciatic Pain Nutritional Supplements

By Bob G Johnson

Sciatica pain is often a recurring cycle of inflammation, often due to unnatural pressure on the sciatic nerve. Constant interrupted pressure does not allow the sciatic nerve to heal as the inflammatory processes cause swelling. Relief for the sciatica patient comes when the patient relieves pressure off the nerve such as lying down, sitting and by stopping walking. Many sciatic nerve pains are exacerbated by standing, as the shift in posture puts undue pressure on a portion of the sciatic nerve which then radiates from the inflammed point of pressure to the spinal cord which then sends the pain signal to the brain for interpretation.
Nutritional supplements which eliminate, reduce, lessen the occurrences and duration of the inflammatory process also help relieve sciatic nerve pain. Below is a list of sciatica nutritional supplements one should consider consuming while treating sciatic nerve pain. These are guidelines for consideration and are not all inclusive but intended to explain what to eat and why. There are other non inflammatory foods, vitamins, herbs and supplements that also may help.
Remember any "dosages" cited are relative to the size of the person, age, and subject to interacting with other supplements or medicines. Your physician should be able to help establish efficacious dosage. If one does not have a participating physician then generally it's best to begin with smaller doses and work toward higher dosages to avoid reactions. Often overall blood levels are necessary for effective relief which means may take several days to reach a sufficient blood saturation level.
1. Bromelain - Enzyme found naturally in pineapple: 1,000 mgm 4 x per day in conjunction with 400 mgm of Quercetin (compound used for anti-inflammation). Quercetin works in combination with Bromelain for better absorption.
2. 1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed oil daily. Flaxseed oil tends to decrease the overall consumption of LDL cholesterol, which often is a source of creating inflammation. Much study is still needed on the overall effects of this oil but as of now the research seems to indicate more positive health benefits than negative.
3. Add Turmeric nutritional spices to your diet. This spice contains a compound called curcumin, which is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory drugs found in nature. For acute sciatic nerve pain, take 250 to 500 milligrams three times a day.
The way to actually achieve the best results is simply to add turmeric to your daily diet. As an example when one is cooking simply add a teaspoon to the salad dressing, or sprinkle over meats, vegetables or other food items. Turmeric is mildly flavored but brightly colored to enhance the overall appearance of the dish being served. I add it often to sauces, put in the baked yams, and dust over fresh baked bread.
Caution: You must not take turmeric nutritional supplements (supplements are often more concentrated than the actual spice) if you are pregnant, or suffer from ulcers, gallstones or acid reflux.
4. Omega 3 & 6 - Omega is found in fish and is recognized as an anti-inflammatory agent. Our body can not produce Omega 3 and 6 as it can with Omega 9 so daily additions are necessary to stop, slow down the inflammatory processes. Many people take fish oil supplements twice daily with food. Generally speaking fish from colder waters tend to have a higher % of omega 3 and 6.
5. Vitamin D - 600 - 3,000 IUs total daily intake. Varying range depends on age, condition and sun exposure. Some studies indicate patients who suffering from chronic pain conditions need up to 3,000 IUs daily whereas a non pain patient (over 9 years old) only needs approximately 600 IUs daily. The practical solution here for the sciatica patient is to get outside in the sun at least 10 minutes per day. When one is exposed to the sun the body will produce Vit. D.
The Medfaxx and HerbFest websites have nutritional supplement navigation tabs to educate on the importance of nutrition for health maintenance and disease prevention. Chronic pain patients can find more information on the use of nutrition to reduce or eliminate pain due to inflammation. Visit here for more on pain nutrition:
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Friday, August 11, 2017

Beautyrest Mattress - Best Mattress for Back Pain Relief

By Kavita Pandye

Most people suffer from back pain at least once in their lifetime. According to research, there could be many reasons: poor diet, smoking, depression, a fancy office chair, excess weight, etc. However, one of the more obvious and direct factors that could be linked to the condition is the way people manage their backs. Of course, this includes the way they sleep and the mattresses they sleep on.
So what is the best mattress for back pain relief and prevention? Let's answer this question from three perspectives:
Firm, Soft or Medium-firm?
At least 75% of orthopedic doctors would still generally recommend a firm mattress to their patients, but the problem is when it puts pressure on the shoulders, hips, and the back of the head. The result could be back pain. On the other hand, using a very soft mattress can make the body sag, causing the spine to droop and again putting pressure on the shoulders and hips while the body tries to maintain its balance. A medium-firm product is generally the best option because it maintains the body's natural curvature during sleep, while providing just the right balance of support and cushioning.
Medical Conditions and the Right Mattresses
Categorizing a mattress simply as soft, medium-firm, and firm is one way of qualifying these products in relation to back pain. Another way of doing that is by considering any medical condition that may be behind the pain, and how choosing the right mattress will make a difference. For example, people with sciatica, a condition characterized by nerve injury and worsened by flexion, will do well with a firm mattress. On the other hand, people with spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the spinal column, will be more comfortable with a soft mattress that will not add to the pain caused by the spinal column pressing against the spinal cord.
The General View
The most common way of determining whether a mattress is good or bad for back pain is simply looking into how it works against the person's back. From this perspective, a mattress should provide uniform support; meaning, there shouldn't be room for air to pass between the mattress and the person's body when lying down. Weight must be distributed evenly so as to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on any part of the back. The best choice based on this standpoint is a medium-firm best mattress for back pain relief. What's important is that the person is comfortable with the product, regardless of what is comfortable to others.
Since not all people develop have back issues, there aren't any hard and fast rules on choosing the right product. However, it is safe to say that understanding the role of mattresses in back pain and buying a trusted brand such as Beautyrest mattress are the two most important steps to bringing home the right product for many back pain-free nights to come.
Author is an expert and helps people to find the best mattress for back pain relief. He writes articles on variety of other subjects in the world of bed accessories and other home appliances.
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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Curing Sciatica

By Kathy Lister

How you go about curing sciatica depends on the nature of the original problem. Sciatica is caused by an irritation or a pressure on the Lumbar-5 nerve, also called the sciatic nerve, which is a long nerve that runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, and into the legs. The irritation can be caused by changes of the structure of the vertebrae, the building blocks of the spine, from injury, or from the herniation, bulging, or rupturing of one of the vertebral discs. These discs are located between the vertebrae in the spinal column, and they serve as a cushioning agent when you bend or move. If the nerve is impinged upon by the discs, the symptoms may present themselves as a tingling, a weakness, or a numbness in the affected areas, or as a pain that radiates up the back, down into the buttocks, and down the side of one or both legs. Although some cases are relatively minor and don't affect the person adversely, the pain caused by sciatica can also be excruciating, causing a loss of movement and the ability to bend or walk effectively.
Traditional Therapies
If your healthcare provider is a traditional, Western medicine doctor, he will probably recommend a conventional treatment, such as medication. The first choice is over-the-counter remedies, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. These help reduce the pain and start to repair tissue at the same time. Muscle relaxants have a relaxing effect on the whole body and can be helpful for short-term use, and the stronger narcotics are medications of last resort. Physicians recommend using as little of a medication as works, and for the shortest time possible. Be proactive, though - follow your doctor's advice, but always ask about possible side effects, too. You should always be prepared.
Alternative Therapies
Not all people respond well to traditional treatments. Alternative treatments and CAM (Complimentary and Alternative Medicine) centers are becoming more popular among the general public for getting relief from their sciatica. Although nontraditional therapies generally do not have scientific documentation of their benefits and safety, they have a long history of anecdotal evidence, and many people find them helpful. In fact, some centers are establishing themselves within the traditional medical sphere, at hospitals and clinics, and the like. Always check with your own doctor before starting any therapy, traditional or alternative, but the procedures described here are generally considered safe for people who don't have other serious medical conditions.
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years, and has been making serious inroads in the traditional medical community of many countries, including the United States. Traditional Oriental acupuncture is based on the belief that an energy force, called "ki," which includes body, mind, spirit, and emotion runs through the body. If this energy flow is disrupted, diseases and other disorders occur. By placing small needles into certain spots on the body where blood and body energy converge, and by twirling, lifting, rotating, or making other precise movements, the balance can be restored to the body. Chinese acupuncture is one part of an entire complex tradition of holistic healing. Medical acupuncture uses similar methods; however, medical acupuncturists focus on the physical aspects rather than restoring balance to the energy force running through the body. Whether you choose a traditional Chinese acupuncturist or a modern medical acupuncturist is a matter of choice.
Related to acupuncture, acupressure treats the same points within the body with pressure from the hand or fingers, or with an instrument fitted with a rounded head instead of needles. The results of this treatment are similar to those of acupuncture.
Chiropractors can't prescribe drugs, take blood, or do any invasive procedures; however, they should take a medical history and perform a physical examination just as a medical doctor does, and they can order X-rays, CAT scans and other diagnostic examinations to determine if there is a problem with the sciatic nerve. Chiropractors manipulate the entire body, with the spine as their specialty, and the nature of their spinal adjustment treatment depends on the exact cause of the sciatica. The doctor will generally press on your spine to relieve irritated nerves and increase movement in your joints. If the problem stems from a disc problem, the chiropractic approach to is to relieve pressure to ease pain and help restore better motion to the spinal joint.
This term comes from the Greek word meaning "to sleep," although therapeutic techniques do not involve putting the patient to sleep. The main purpose of hypnosis for people with sciatica is for the therapist to help them change the way they feel and respond to painful stimuli. If he can convince the patient that the pain is either there or is simply a background distraction, the patient can feel relief from that pain. It is important to note that hypnosis can't cure sciatica or repair or heal a ruptured disc, but it can provide some much needed relief.
Once you have been diagnosed properly, curing sciatica, or at least reducing the pain and discomfort, can be accomplished by a number of alternative and/or traditional treatments. Make sure to ask your healthcare provider what the right treatment is for you.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Treating Diabetes and Sciatica

By Amee LaTour

According to the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, over 8% of the U.S. population suffers from diabetes. This number is on the rise, with the CDC reporting that a third of children born in 2000 are expected to develop the disease at some point in their lives. Sedentary lifestyles and poor diets are responsible for the increasing rate of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is by far the most prevalent. Type 1 occurs due to an immune disorder that leads to the destruction of cells that produce insulin in the body. Type 2 diabetes is associated with either a lack of insulin production or the body's inability to use insulin properly. Insulin is responsible for moving glucose from the blood into cells. A deficiency of insulin or improper usage thereof causes high levels of glucose to build up in the blood, while cells go without. Type 2 diabetes is a diet-related disease.
Diabetes and Sciatica
One of the many complications that may arise from diabetes is peripheral neuropathy, which is pain, numbness or tingling in the limbs of the body caused by nerve damage. The exact mechanisms aren't understood, but high blood glucose levels are known to adversely affect nerve function. The 2011 Fact Sheet states that 60-70% of diabetics have some level of nervous system damage. The sciatic nerve, the largest in the body, is often affected by diabetes. It runs from the lumbar spine down to the foot on each side of the body.
Sciatica may be common in diabetics not only because of high glucose levels but because of excess weight. Being overweight is a risk factor both for diabetes and sciatica. Excess pressure on the spine can compress spinal discs, which can cause them to bulge or herniate. The discs may interfere with nerves as they exit the spine.
If you have diabetes and feel either pain, numbness or tingling in the lower back that travels down the leg, you likely have sciatica. Symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, constant hunger, fatigue and slow healing. If you experience these in conjunction with sciatica symptoms but don't know if you're diabetic, it's a good idea to get tested.
Treating Diabetic Sciatica
The best way to treat sciatica caused by diabetes is to treat diabetes. In our culture, medicine is often seen as the first and last line of defense. However, medication should be seen as a temporary measure while pursuing changes in diet and lifestyle as a more permanent treatment. Losing weight and giving your body foods that are easier to process can reduce or even eliminate your need to use medicine to control diabetes.
The prime focus of any diabetes diet plan is keeping carbohydrate intake low and consistent, since carbs are converted to glucose in the body. It is important to eat only a small amount of carbs at a time and to eat them at regular times each day to prevent a spike in blood glucose levels.
Fat levels must be kept in check as well to ease the burden on the pancreas and liver. Saturated fats should be strictly limited while trans fats should be avoided altogether.
A dietician can help you work out a plan that ensured you get the nutrients your body needs while avoiding unhealthy foods. Light exercise will likely be part of your treatment; adding a 30-minute walk into your day can get your metabolism going and help you lose weight.
Some herbal supplements may help to naturally lower blood sugar levels, but studies on alternative medicine for diabetes are few and far between. Also, when considering a supplement to lower blood glucose, be sure to talk with your doctor; if these supplements are combined with medication, they may cause glucose levels to drop too low. See the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine's page at for information on supplements for diabetics.
Treating diabetes and the problems it causes requires a commitment to lifestyle changes. While diet and exercise may not be enough to manage your condition initially, they can eventually reduce or eliminate your reliance on medication by enabling your body to function properly on its own.
Industrialized nations suffer from a plague of spinal health problems. The solution is learning as much as possible starting with Back Pain Solutions Online. Repetitive use injuries may lead to improper diagnosis of your back pain problem. Read more about how to use 7 strategies to reduce back pain in your life, right now.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Yoga And Sciatica Relief

By Thomon Wardle

Yoga is good for many things and two of these things are providing sciatica relief and the prevention of it. In this article I'm going to share with you what this ancient exercise can do for you with regards to increasing your core strength and improving your posture.
Lower back problems are a major health problem, especially in developed countries where sitting for most of the day is now the norm. Visits to the doctors and days laid out in bed could be decreased by strengthening the groups of muscles based around the abdomen, the back and the hips.
By sitting around all day, the muscles that support the spine can get very weak. This can lead to back pain as the nerves are no longer kept in place. It can also mean compression of the sciatica nerve by muscles that are out of place.
However, using yoga as the means to stretch and strengthen these muscles can prevent most back pain and give sciatica relief.
My cousin recently complained of terrible sciatic pain down the back of the leg. It was the ham strings cramping because the muscles around her spine were no longer strong enough to keep her spinal discs in place. She was in agony and was having to take a cramp preventative tablet every night before bed, and every day before driving.
When her disc felt a lot better, she was still getting trouble with her ham strings. They were too tight as she suffered from scoliosis. This is a condition where the design of the back means that the hips are held at an angle and this can cause further back pain and very tight tendons in the legs. The well-known Olympic athlete Usain Bolt suffers from this condition and has to be treated by physiotherapists to prevent his hamstrings from becoming damaged.
Going back to my cousin, she is now fit and well, because she decided to wait until the disc was back in place in her spine before she started to work on the strength of the muscles in her lower back.
So by practicing yoga for just 20 minutes every morning, she has managed to strengthen all of her core muscles so that her spine is once again supported.
She told me that she did the following exercises to help to strengthen her back and to give sciatica relief:
The cobra - lie on the stomach and lift your head and your chest up off the floor. Use your back muscles to lift you - not your arms or hands.
The locust - lift your head off the floor and lift your feet. Hold your arms down and outwards. Do not use your hands but use your back muscles to do this stretch.
The butterfly. Sit on the floor with your knees out and your feet together. This will open your hips and stretch your hip flexors.
So as my cousin says, just do twenty minutes of yoga a day to give sciatica relief. It makes a huge difference and she hasn't experienced any real back pain discomfort since and neither has she suffered from sciatica.
In fact, she feels and looks so good that I would like to suggest to her brother to start doing it too. Yoga gives sciatica relief - but it also gives piece of mind and wellness.
Thomon Wardle is an experienced practitioner of yoga and pilates exercises []. His range of yoga DVDs are listed and available from his site [] where you can also download a free eBook worth £9.95
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Monday, August 7, 2017

Prepare A Pain Management Plan To Overcome Sciatica Pain

By Steven Sea

Sciatica pain can lead to a devastating position if unattended to. Before one plans for a treatment for the same, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the occurrence. To find this, it requires for an individual to note down the changes they are experiencing physically. A reputed spinal therapist will use the symptoms as the base to find the root of sciatica. The next step will involve treatment through medication and exercises. All the exercises are planned in such a way that they act on the affected region and subdue sciatica.
With knowledge on the causes and symptoms, a person will be in a position to react at an early stage to prevent further evolution of sciatica. Sciatica pain is observed in the lower back portion, buttocks, thighs and toes. This is the region where sciatica nerve is located. It is originated at the lower end of the spinal column and ends at toes. It is the longest and the largest nerve present in human anatomy. It requires immediate attention to prevent it from reaching higher levels. Usually, it is treatable and does not require any surgeries. But, when there is no change in a person through non-surgical treatment, the only option left to cure it is through surgical treatment.
Sciatica pain is caused due to compression of nerve roots. This can occur at different levels of the spinal end and due to different reasons. A herniated disc, lumbar spinal stenosis and lumbar spondylolisthesis are the major role players in development of sciatica. The other reasons are through the natural aging process which reduces the spinal canal area. A person affected often feels pinching, irritation and inflammation in the region. The pain is horrible and makes it difficult to perform regular activities.
With information on sciatica pain, it will be easy for a person to have a proper pain management implemented. This will prevent further development of sciatica. Regular sessions with a reputed spinal therapist will bring back the condition to normal. All it requires is to follow a schedule that has been tailor made according to the symptoms experienced by an individual. With complete information about causes, it becomes easy to control the pain and prevent it from reaching a higher level. Exercises are the best natural way to prevent sciatica and reduce the same. Make sure you have a pain management implemented to keep sciatica at bay.
Want to get rid of sciatica pain in an easy way? Well, all you have to do is click here in order to learn how you can do that.
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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fast Treatment for Sciatica

By Justine C Tuazon

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain in the lower back area or the legs. The condition comes from irritation of the sciatic nerve and can be a very painful problem. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body, starting from the nerve roots located in the spinal cord in the lower back area and down to the legs via the buttock area. There are many different types of treatment for sciatica.
There are several causes of sciatica, most of them being back problems that need to be addressed. Sciatica is not a back problem it is a symptom of an underlying back issue. In most cases, a herniated disc is the culprit that can cause sciatica. The disc bulges and can compress the sciatic nerve, causing irritation and inflammation. Sciatica can also occur from injury, tumors, internal bleeding, radiculopathy (abnormal intervertebral disc) and sometimes during pregnancy.
Treatment for Sciatica
• Short term bed rest is normally the first type of treatment recommended to allow any inflammation to subside.
• Pain medication is also used, depending on how acute the sciatica is and what is the injury causing the sciatica. Typically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work very well in relieving pain and inflammation.
• Muscle relaxants can also be used to reduce any inflammation that is causing pressure on the sciatic nerve.
• Stretching exercises can be great for helping people recover from sciatica and improving flexibility.
• Exercise is a great form of treatment for sciatica. It's very important for sciatica sufferers to remain physically active as prolonged bed rest may causes weakening of the spine muscles. Taking regular exercise help to strengthen back muscles and increase the production of endorphins, nature's painkillers.
• Compression packs, either hot or cold can help to reduce pain.
• An epidural steroid injection can sometimes be used to delivers anti-inflammatory medication rapidly to the area surrounding the nerves of the spine.
• Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a long term treatment for people with chronic sciatica and helps with pain management.
• Surgery might be an option if all of the above does not bring any relief or the source of your sciatica can only be solved by a surgical procedure. There are several different types of surgery that are available such as discectomy (removal of the part of herniated disc that is causing the compression on your nerve), fusion surgery (sometimes needed when a vertebra has slipped out of place) and laminectomy (removal of the arch of a vertebra which will relieve any pressure on the nerves).
Sciatica pain can be very destructive to your quality of life. For more information on sciatica treatment [] and how to conquer your back pain problems [], visit our website to find out more.
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Saturday, August 5, 2017

The 5 Trigger Points of Sciatica

By Heidi Mills

Sciatica is a symptom, or group of symptoms, caused by any number of conditions which compress the sciatic nerve. The main symptom of sciatica is pain radiating from the lower back or buttocks, down the back of the thigh. Pain may travel as far as the calf muscles. There may also be associated tingling, numbness or weakness.
There are numerous conditions which may cause sciatic pain. These include a lumbar disc herniation (also known as a slipped disc, or herniated disc); spinal canal stenosis; sacroiliac joint dysfunction and piriformis syndrome.
Sciatic pain can also be caused by trigger points (T.P's) within the gluteal (buttock) muscles. This is sometimes referred to as myofascial pain.
A trigger point is also sometimes known as a muscle knot. They are hypersensitive points within a tight band of muscle which often refer pain throughout the area they are found in. T.P's can be felt as small, tender lumps within a muscle, which when compressed, often cause pain which may radiate elsewhere and a twitch response in the muscle.
What are the 5 trigger points of Sciatica?
Sciatic pain radiating into the hamstrings can be caused by trigger points found in the buttock muscles.
Sciatica caused by T.P's develops gradually with no specific point of injury; there may be a cramping or tight sensation in the buttocks or hamstrings and tenderness when pressing these muscles. There is not usually any lower back pain, walking and even running may be pain free and strength is rarely affected.
The 5 T.P's which most commonly cause sciatic pain are described here:
1, 2 & 3: Gluteus Medius
Gluteus medius is one of the three Gluteal muscles ('glutes') which form each buttock. They are responsible for extending, abducting and laterally rotating the hip joint.
Gluteus medius is found just below the Iliac crest. There are three common T.P's in this muscle which can refer pain into the posterior thigh. They are located at the origin of the muscle, all three in a row, just below the iliac crest.
4: Tensor Fascia Latae
TFL (as it is shortened to) is a small muscle found on the outer hip. It attaches to the front of the iliac crest and descends downwards to converge with the IT band on the outer thigh.
A trigger point can often be found in the superior half of the muscle, which radiates pain inferiorly, down the IT band and lateral hamstrings.
5: Piriformis
The Piriformis muscle is a small muscle found deep within the centre of the buttock. It originates from the Sacrum and crosses horizontally to the head of the Femur (thigh bone).
It is strongly associated with Sciatica as a condition called Piriformis syndrome can also cause sciatic symptoms. However, this is an actual compression of the nerve caused by muscle tension or an anatomical variation where the nerve passes through the Piriformis muscle (rather than behind it). This occurs in around 10% of the population.
This is not the same as a Piriformis trigger point which does not affect the sciatic nerve at all, but radiates the pain into the hamstrings in a similar fashion.
The most common trigger point found within the Piriformis muscle is in the muscle belly, slightly towards the insertional tendon. This trigger point will refer pain into the outer buttock and down the back of the thigh.
Trigger Point Therapy
There has been lots of research undertaken into the best treatment of trigger points. Acupuncture (or dry needling) and ischemic pressure have been shown to be the most effective.
Acupuncture is the insertion of a needle into the trigger point. The small needle is inserted into the trigger point and left in place for a few minutes. During this time, the muscle gradually relaxes and lengthens. 3-4 sessions of dry needling are usually required to eliminate the trigger point.
Ischemic pressure is the application of direct pressure to the trigger point, with enough pressure to temporarily cut off blood flow to the TP (ischemic = no blood!). The aim of this technique is to stimulate receptors in the muscle which regulate its tension, to reduce the muscle tone. This pressure also provides an analgesic (pain relief) effect due to the release of pain mediating substances. Once the pressure is released, a sudden influx of blood to the point helps to flush out any waste products and bring the required nutrients for healing.
Following either technique, it is recommended that the muscles treated are stretched thoroughly to reset the muscle spindle length.
To conclude, if you are suffering from sciatic pain which had no specific point in time when the pain first developed and you have no lower back pain, consider trigger point therapy to your glute muscles. This simple form of treatment can ease pain in a large number of sciatic patients.
Heidi Mills (BSc HONS GSR) is a Graduate Sports Rehabilitator who works for
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Friday, August 4, 2017

Tips to Prevent Aggravating or Triggering Sciatica During The Holidays

By Adam Arnette

The holiday season is filled with parties, people and presents - At least for many of you who have been preparing for Christmas, since... well maybe even before... Thanksgiving!
For some, the holidays may be less joyous, as many injuries occur during this time as well. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 5,800 back injuries out of more than 50,000 annually, occur during the holidays. Putting up Christmas lights is more dangerous than you'd think! So before rushing into your holiday preparations, take a look at these tips to help you avoid aggravating a pre-existing conditions such as sciatica, or to avoid developing a new injury that may send you off to spine surgery this coming year:
Christmas Tree - Don't even consider picking one up by yourself to strap to the top of your car. Get help from a family member or friend and bribe them with cookies and milk when the job is done. Use your legs and keep your core tight when lifting, and avoid lifting overhead and twisting while reaching. Preventing a sciatica ridden holiday may be worth generously tipping "Santa's Helpers" to deliver and set up the tree in your home.
Don't decorate alone! Every year, hospital emergency rooms treat about 12,500 people for injuries, such as falls, cuts and shocks, related to holiday lights, decorations and Christmas trees, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
Climbing onto shaky stepladders and reaching while twisting is a sure-fire way to injure your back. If you are alone, decorate at eye-level and avoid dicey maneuvers. If you have an eager team of friends, children and family... make an event of it and whip up some tasty treats while everyone pitches in. Also avoid carrying large or heavy boxes down from the attic. Divide your loads into smaller bags or boxes, and distribute the weight evenly in both hands to protect your spine from strain.
The Big Day - you may be stressed about getting your last-minute cooking completed and home cleaned up, so keep in mind that this is the time when many people overdo it, get injured and wind up needing laser spine surgery. Standing on your feet for hours and cooking is quite stressful on your back, so remind yourself to stand correctly, take breaks to stretch and move about.
Despite the stress to make everything just right, remember what this season is really about: Joy! So avoid triggering your sciatica, or worse, risking a new injury to your back that could send you for laser spine surgery. Relax and enjoy
If you suffer from sciatica, or any other type of chronic back pain, you can get a Free MRI Review by North American Spine, the leader in minimally invasive spine care. Visit or call us direct at 877-474-2225.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Exercises for Sciatica - A Way to Preserve Back Health

By Claudia Hadley

Bed rest is the number one advise any person in their right mind would give another individual when sciatica pain attacks. After all, with the body pain that sciatica brings about, how can one possibly perform any exercises for sciatica relief? However, bed rest,in line with most experts, is the most detrimental thing one can conduct for sciatica pain. Typically, the intensity of lower back pain and hip pain brought on by sciatica is most severe the moment you attempt to get out of bed after a lengthy rest.
In contrast to other types of discomfort that would require lengthy bed rest, sciatica pain would only gain from rest during an acute attack of discomfort or during the initial 48 hours after pain onset. Being sedentary after 48 hours will only make things worse. Why does rest cause more pain when it is expected to help? Back support becomes a lot weakened when one rests for an extended period of time since the muscles and spinal structures become relaxed. Discomfort becomes serious as the back becomes vulnerable to anxiety and harm.
Exercises for sciatica nerve pain would help to tone the support structures of the back as well as to manage the overall health of the vertebral discs by providing the flow of nutrients and fluids within the disc. Having healthy discs will help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve decreasing pain.
There are essentially two key aims to performing exercise for sciatica:
  • Decreasing current sciatic pain; and
  • Anticipation of future pain recurrences through strengthening of the support structures of the back.

The best exercise program to follow when it comes to sciatica would be the one that particularly concentrates on managing the underlying cause of the pain. This basically implies, before even undertaking any type of exercise -- whether it be just simple stretching exercises or yoga exercises for sciatica -- it is important to consult with a physician first to ascertain what is inducing the pain to start with. Once the causes of pain are determined, the problem will become much easier to resolve since a doctor will recognize which exercise regimen to let the patient follow to reduce the discomfort.
It should be emphasized that exercises for sciatica require guidance during the early period of undertaking them. Having the ideal exercise regimen is fantastic but undertaking it the inappropriate way will only aggravate the situation. Likewise, sciatica exercises during pregnancy need the help of a great trainer in order that the exercise would not put excessive strain on both the mother and the baby.
Acting as the backbone for any beneficial sciatica exercise programs, there are fundamentally six primary and critical features. These are:
Strengthening of core muscles. So as to give greater back support, sciatica exercises especially conditions and strengthens major muscles in the abdomen and back. Light stretching exercises for sciatica as well as yoga are most effective in relieving pain triggered by taut and inflexible muscles. This is specifically true for patients with piriformis syndrome. Patients who keep regular stretching and strengthening exercise programs recuperate faster from acute flare ups and future pain incidences are stopped.
Hamstring stretching. Not only should the abdomen and back be worked on but the hamstring muscles should be routinely stretched as well. The lower back gets more stress and strain from taut hamstrings and this can magnify the root causes for sciatica pain.
Specific diagnosis. The root reason of the sciatica pain such as a herniated disc, should be the particular focus on of the next exercises. If no suitable diagnosis is performed on the patient's cause of pain then exercises should not be performed so as to protect against any injuries.
Exercising appropriately. It is a typical problem to self help using DVDs or the web when it comes to sciatica. Regrettably, many of these videos only demonstrate the exercises without showing proper form and how certain muscles would feel while performing these maneuvers. Therefore, the problem will become exacerbated and it will also prove to be inadequate. With the guidance of an experienced and licensed health expert such as a physical therapist, physiatrist, or chiropractor, these exercises can be learned correctly and conveniently.
Aerobic exercises. Cardio conditioning through aerobic exercises is a very important supplement to sciatica exercises, as this would enhance blood circulation and thus supply the important fluids and nutrients to the muscles and other support structures of the back. The finest forms of aerobic exercises are low impact activities like walking and swimming.
Observing healthy position. Of course, having terrible position would put every exercise regimen to waste since it is one of the main causes of lower back pain. Learning how to stand, sit, and lift weighty things properly with the right pose will help keep sciatic pain from manifesting.
Sciatica pain should not hinder an individual from enjoying his or her life. By undertaking exercises for sciatica on a consistent basis, people are not only ensured lesser occurrences of pain in the future, but are also keeping back health.
By performing exercises for sciatica on a regular basis, people are not only guaranteed lesser occurrences of pain in the future, but are also preserving overall back health. Find more natural back pain relief option at
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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Symptoms of Sciatica - Have You Been Properly Diagnosed?

By Jake SC Johnson

Sciatica is often misunderstood, even though it is an increasingly common issue.
I've been noticing the increased frequency of misdiagnosis all over the place; people saying they have sciatica when they don't, and people being told they don't have sciatica, when they actually do.
It is very important to understand the specific symptoms of sciatica, as well as the fact that in some cases, the symptoms can vary.
Another essential point that you must understand is that sciatica is not a disease itself; it's a set of symptoms stemming from a larger problem.
So, how do you know if you have sciatica? In order to find the sciatica cure, you must understand the symptoms of sciatica, as well as its cause.
Read on...
1) Pain most often starts in the lower back.
This comes from the fact that sciatica symptoms are often stemming from a herniated disk. The pain will most often start in the lower back, and then become...
2) Some type of pain running down one leg.
Most often, sciatica only occurs on one side of the body. There are many different types of pain you may feel; the pain could be very sharp, like an electric shock, or it could be just a mild ache.
You may also feel pain running down all the way into the foot of the affected leg.
So, to recap, the pain most often originates in the lower back, then runs down one leg and sometimes into the foot.
3) Pain after prolonged sitting
This is one that I can relate to. Standing up after sitting in class was a brutal experience, and one that I never want to have again.
People often experience sciatica at its worst after sitting for long periods of time. It is often extremely difficult to stand because of the excruciating pain.
On a kind of random note; many people report extreme pain after sneezing, as the jolting action of sneezing irritates the sciatic nerve. This is more common than one would think, and if you haven't experienced it, consider yourself lucky.
Wrap Up
So that's all for this very short post, and I hope you enjoyed it and learned the most common symptoms of sciatica.
Again, don't ever use this advice as a replacement for that of a medical professional; consult with a doctor if you feel that you have a serious issue.
Visit my website, Sciatica Cure, for more information on how to treat sciatic nerve pain.
Jake SC Johnson invites you to sign up for his newsletter to receive a free report on the best treatment methods for sciatica.
Keep working hard!
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Sciatic Nerve Pain Remedy And Treatment

By Steven Sea With the changes in the way we live, compared to our fore fathers, there has been an emergence of complications th...