Monday, July 31, 2017

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

By Dr. Michael Minond

Obesity is a growing epidemic that has affected both adults and children around the world. It is a condition where the fat tissues of the body are more than the required Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30. For instance, a 5 feet, 7 inches tall male and weighs 220 pounds have a BMI of 34 and is considered obese.
Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles are known to lead to obesity. In turn, obesity significantly contributes to risk factors of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory problems, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. However, not everyone is aware that obesity is also the number-one contributor to back pain.
Our spine is responsible for carrying the body's weight. When too much weight is carried, though, the spine can become stressed and overburdened. Over time, built-up pressure on the back can cause serious damage and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, herniated discs, back strain and other sources of excruciating back pain.
Conditions Caused By Obesity
You may try to ignore your weight gain, but you should never dismiss the fact that when you are obese, you may develop conditions leading to back pain. The following are some examples of this.
The spinal disc serves a soft cushion or shock absorber between each vertebra of the spinal column. Because of injury or degeneration due to aging, these discs can swell and rupture resulting in wear and tear. The extra weight in the stomach carried by your spine also leads to the wearing and tearing of the spinal discs, and over time can lead to a herniated disc.
A herniated disc may exhibit symptoms of numbness, muscle spasm, and weakness. Back pain only occurs when the nerve roots and the spinal cord around the vertebrae are pressed and pinched by the protruding disc. Herniated discs can also be a factor as to why a large number of obese people have sciatica, because nerves of the legs are pressed by herniated discs.
Osteoarthritis, otherwise known as arthritis of the spine, is very common in obese people. The load carried by the spine increases the stress on the spinal joints and leads to the breakdown of cartilage. Symptoms may appear not only in the lower back, but also in the weight-bearing joints like in the hands, hips, knees, and neck. Weight loss is recommended, but in extreme cases, joint replacement may be feasible, and of course surgery can bring about risk of other health complications, as well.
Lordosis is the abnormal curving of the lower back. The spine is as one with the pelvis. When it moves forward or back, left or right, or as it rotates, the spine adjusts right along with it. Lordosis is developed when the excess weight carried in the midsection pulls the pelvis forward leading to the tightening and straining of the lower back. People with lordosis may also suffer from tension, immobility, stiffness, and pain in the lumbar area and surrounding affected area.
Benefits of Weight Loss For Back Pain Relief
The obesity epidemic did not happen overnight. Industrialization, modernization, and our sedentary lifestyles have made a tremendous impact to our eating behaviors. With fast food restaurants everywhere, convenient supermarkets, and labor-saving devices, we no longer have to put forth much effort to produce and prepare our foods. Added to those are the high calorie and sugary foods that we love to eat.
Obesity is a result of an energy imbalance where you eat too many calories and do not get enough physical exercise to burn them off. Sadly, being overweight can add strain to the ligaments and muscles of the back. Our spine can become stressed, lose its natural strength, become tilted, or develop an unnatural curvature.
While weight loss can help improve serious health problems, it is also common sense to think that it, too, can relieve back pain. If you are obese now, there are many ways available, such as dieting and exercise, that double its benefit for weight loss and restoring your overall health.
Effective Exercise for Losing Weight And Back Pain Relief
Though, exercise is recommended for all types of back pain, some conditions may need a few modifications, including just the right level of intensity and amount of time needed to do the exercise for safety and rehabilitation purposes. If pain follows your exercise, you may try gentler routines, such as Yoga, Pilates, and back strengthening exercises as an introduction to help condition your back. They may include stretching and low impact aerobic exercises that you can start doing for 15 minutes a day.
To begin with, you can do a standing hamstring stretch. It is a great stretching exercise for your hamstrings and your lower back. You may also do this lying on your back for extreme back pain conditions. Stand tall with your right foot forward just a few inches in front of your left leg. Then, bend your left knee while pulling your abdominals slowly inwards. Next, lean forward perpendicularly aligning your shoulders and arms and rest both palms on your left knee for balance. You may repeat this 8 times both on each leg.
Quadruped Opposite Arm/Leg Raise is also a great back strengthening exercise. For your starting position, you should be on all fours with your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and knees beneath your hips. Make sure back are naturally aligned and core is tight. Then, extend the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right arm until they are aligned with the body. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg and left arm.
Side plank is best for the abdomen, back, and shoulders. It doesn't require much movement, but does require strength and balance to hold the position. Lie at your side for your starting position. Next, lift your body off the ground with your forearm and side of your foot. Hold this position for 8 counts, tighten your core, and relax your shoulders.
There are many more exercises that can both strengthen your back and help you lose weight. However, it is important that you also go back to the basic reason as to why you are overweight. A proper diet that includes low carbohydrate and high-fiber meals is more effective for weight loss when combined with exercise.
Dr. Michael Minond is a well-respected Chiropractor in NYC who specializes in advanced chiropractic care techniques such as Applied Kinesiology and Integrated Nutrition. Learn more by visiting his website.
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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Massage Therapy As a Treatment for Sciatica

By Richard Lobbenberg

Massage therapy can provide tremendous relief for most any complaint that is musculo-skeletal in nature. And because massage therapy is a natural medicine, it has benefits beyond the obvious; indeed, massage can help you with improving your immune system and even relieving you of feelings of depression! One of the best ways that massage helps with your musculo-skeletal system, however, is by helping to treat sciatica. Sciatica is essentially a term for any pain that affects your lower back, hip, and leg. Usually the pain only affects one leg or the other, and may not even be felt in your back but just one of your legs alone. The reason it is called 'sciatica' is that the pain appears to radiate along the pathway of your sciatic nerve, which starts in the lumbar and sacral regions of your spinal cord. The nerve (actually a bundle of five separate nerves in the beginning) then exits from this region (aka the lumbosacral area), passes behind your hip joint, and runs down the back of your thigh, where it splits again into now only two separate nerves: the peroneal nerve (which travels down the outside of your lower leg to the top of your foot) and the tibial nerve (which passes through your calf muscle and into your heel and sole of your foot). Therefore, sciatic pain can travel quite a distance, affecting in addition to your lower back, a large part or portions thereof, your leg.
The causes of sciatica generally include spinal disc herniation, spinal stenosis (where your spinal cord is compressed for a number of possible reasons), piriformis muscle inflammation, pregnancy, or other issues such as a tumour or trauma of some kind. Before seeking natural therapy, be sure to have your doctor rule out anything that might require surgery or extreme medical intervention. Where your doctor can find no reason for your pain or offer no distinct medical treatment other than medication and exercise, massage therapy may work as an excellent adjunct.
Massage therapy works in a number of ways to affect relief of your sciatica pain. For example, when you're being massaged, something called the relaxation response occurs, whereby your nervous system involuntarily returns to normal. This is basically the opposite of the fight-or-flight response, where your body responds to stress by elevating your blood pressure and increasing your heart rate. Another way massage therapy helps you is by improving your circulation and lymph drainage, thus helping your body eliminate toxins that have been building up in your tissues. In addition, your nerve conduction will improve, as nerves have an easier time growing and functioning in well-conditioned muscle.
When you combine the benefits of massage therapy with the pain and discomfort of sciatica, excellent results can be achieved. Sometimes it takes more than one session to fully relieve all of your pain, but if you're willing to do the right exercise and take the advice of your properly trained, registered massage therapist, you will find the relief that you've been looking for.
For more info, visit us at:
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Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Many Sciatica Exercises

By Gary Nye

Did you know that as many as 40% of us will get sciatica, or at least some irritation to the sciatica nerve at some point in our lives. The sciatica nerve comes from either side of our lower spine and it will travel through the buttocks and pelvis. Then it passes through each upper leg before it finally divides at our knee into branches that go into our feet.
Whatever puts pressure on nerve, or irritates this nerve can cause pain that will shoot down the back of one buttocks or thigh. And might even go into the feet This sensation of pain can vary in many degrees. It might feel like a mild ache, or a sharp, burning in our lower back or an extreme at least some discomfort. Sciatica is also capable of producing weakness, numbness and tingling.
It's important to understand that back pain therapy is a three stage process where you need to get your back better through exercise, the first stage is medication, usually NSAIDs, the second stage is exercise and the last stage is physical therapy.
It is my belief that if you have sciatica and use these exercises you will be helping to build your body up and not automatically turn to pain killers, but try to solve the problem more naturally as with exercise. Below are the exercises you should try. I have listed both traditional and Yoga exercises if you prefer.
Living with Sciatica can really be a terrible thing to have to live with which is why many people turn to using pain pills to help relieve the symptoms. The pain will come and goes, but any movement might become extremely painful.
  • Sciatica Exercises
  • Stomach toning exercise
  • Gluteal toning exercise
  • Deep Stomach muscles toning exercise
  • Back stabilizer exercise

This is where a simple easy exercise will greatly improve the Sciatica nerve.
What kind of Yoga exercises are recommended?
  • Head-to Knee
  • Eye-of-the=Needle
  • Bridge
  • One-Legged Pigeon
  • Corpse Pose
  • Go gently with these poses at first.

These are just some of the Yoga positions that would be beneficial if you are able and willing to do them. Do not strain yourself. If it hurts stop doing the exercise immediately.
Yoga is a great way to get rid of that Sciatica pain. Not only that but it also helps to strengthen muscle and leaves the body toned and fit. Among muscle strengthening forms of exercise this ancient form of exercise has been proven to be one of the best. That's why many of the Sciatica sufferers have turned to this form of exercise.
Gary Nye is a health care practitioner who writes on and suffers from back pain and pain problems. Visit his site for great articles on pain and back pain at []
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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sciatica and Physical Therapy for the Treatment of Lower Back Pain

By Anna Woodward

Whether young or old, most people experience the symptoms of sciatica at some point in their lives. Like death and taxes, you could say that lower back problems are just another inevitable part of life. Sciatica is caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve located in the lower back above the buttock. This irritation can result in lower back pain, leg numbness, leg weakness, and even nerve damage. "Sciatica" itself is merely a collection of symptoms rather than a standalone syndrome. One of the most frustrating aspects of experiencing lower back pain is that, because the area is so sensitive, it is often difficult to find the source, and therefore remedy, of the problem. This can give the condition a component of mental anguish along with the excruciating physical pain. While painkillers and prescription anti-inflammatory drugs can be helpful in alleviating symptoms, persistent physical therapy is often the most effective treatment.
Spinal disc herniation is one of the most common causes of sciatica. This occurs when the fiber of a spinal disc slips and causes the soft inner portion of the intervertebral disc to bulge out, pressing on the sciatic nerve. This is usually caused by wear on the back, often by jobs that require repetitive sitting, bending, squatting, and heavy lifting. The pain caused by a ruptured disc can be debilitating and last months to years, even with proper treatment. Accordingly, the cure for this form of sciatica is most often a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and anti-depressants. Surgery is considered as a last resort as back surgery can result in other painful chronic conditions.
Another cause for sciatic pain is chronic muscle tightness. While this form of sciatica can also be chronic, it can perhaps be the most easily managed by consistent stretching and by watching posture and sleeping habits. If no obvious physical cause for sciatic pain is identifiable on an MRI or X-ray then physical therapy may be the best option available. Often physical therapists may be able to identify the specific cause of sciatic pain and will often prescribe a unique routine of stretches and exercises that are specially designed to remedy the person-specific problem. People with this type of sciatica may experience muscle weakness and numbness in their lower regions. Physical therapy can help patients regain this muscle strength and show them stretches that take pressure of their inflamed nerves.
For any case of sciatica, no matter the cause, physical therapy is always the preferred option because is empowers patients to take recovery into their own hands and helps them manage their pain on an individual level. While sometimes tedious, therapy offers a level of care and prevention that other treatments like painkillers cannot. While many sufferers may seek painkillers for instant pain relief, therapy and persistent stretching are often the most healthy and effective options.
In Jersey City, physical therapy help can be found at Gotham City Orthopedics, LLC. Learn more at
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How to Relieve Sciatica Symptoms With an Everyday Object!

By Justin Benjamin Nisbett

What is Sciatica?
If you have Sciatica Symptoms there's little doubt surrounding it. Let's first define what Sciatica Symptoms are so we understand what we're experiencing.
Sciatica is the name for pain originating from the Sciatic Nerve which happens to be the longest and largest nerve in your body. It can be the size of one of your fingers where it meets your lower spine. In which it travels from your lower back to your hips, buttock, down the leg where it branches at your knee (both your legs have sciatic nerves).
What are the Symptoms of Sciatica?
Now that we know what the Sciatic Nerve is what are the symptoms of Sciatica?
There can be pain felt along where the Sciatic Nerve runs and can be felt deep inside your buttocks, pain can also travel down the back of your leg and occasionally in your foot.
This pain can be accompanied by tingling sensations, pins and needles, numb feeling and occasionally weakness in your leg. But take note Sciatica is usually only in one leg but can rarely affect both.
How to get Sciatica Relief.
So how exactly do we instantly relieve most Sciatica Symptoms and Pain?
Using balls, with the correct technique you can use a ball like object to create space between your sciatica nerve and the objects pinching it creating your Sciatic Pain.
There are a number of balls on the market which are designed in shape and size to relieve Sciatica however some sufferers have found even Tennis Balls to work effectively.
How to Relieve Sciatic Pain.
Using either your purchased product (generally more effective due to their shape,size and density) or a simple tennis ball. Laying flat on your bed place the ball around the mid section of your lower back and lift your feet off the ground holding both your knees with your hands in a fetal like position. Hold this position for 30 seconds and finally lower your legs. Move the ball down to the next position (usually the same distance as the width of the ball) and repeat the process.
This article contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice and should not be treated as such.
You must not rely on the information in this article as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.
If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.
If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.
You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this article.
Neither the author nor the publisher of this article take any responsibility or liability for any actions of any persons relating to information provided.
More information: Sciatica Symptoms
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Monday, July 24, 2017

Saunders Lumbar Traction Is Giving Sciatica Pain Relief

By Regina Rain

If you have been battling back and leg pain for a long time and just want to find a way to reverse the effects so you can get on with your life free of pain then this might just be what you have been searching for. Sciatica pain relief is a few steps away with decompression treatments using the Saunders Lumbar Traction technology.
As a back pain sufferer you may have come across the term decompression and learned about the large DRX 9000 machine that some Chiropractors have in their office so they can charge you an arm and a leg for a few treatments to turn your life around. Or perhaps you came across and tried the inversion table technology that turns you upside down to stretch out your back in a most ridiculous but desperate way for sciatica pain relief. Both of these techniques are trying to find a way to take pressure off your compressed and bulging disc. Kudos to them for trying to treat the sciatic pain at the source but the DRX 9000 treatments are much too pricy and the inversion table puts you in a most uncomfortable position with blood rushing to your head and the feeling of your ankles being pulled apart. Saunders Lumber traction has taken this decompression concept and simplified it into a portable device that you can have with you at home or while you travel and you don't have to hang upside down or spend thousands of dollars that you don't have when your off work with a back injury.
How the Saunders Lumbar Traction Works
Finding sciatica pain relief is a few steps away with the simple Saunders Lumbar Traction therapy. This unit is within a flat case that unzips and opens up to lie flat on the floor of your living room, your couch, or your bed. There is no need for assistance in getting yourself set up and doing the treatments, just lie down in it, put on the two belts, tighten, then use the hand-held pump to increase the pressure which in turn will increase the stretch felt in your lower spine. With the guidance of your physiotherapist go up gradually to the pressure he or she recommended you reach, hold this for a few minutes then release the pressure. Relax for a few minutes then bring up the pressure again and repeat the process a few times. Doing this stretches apart your vertebrae and releases the pressure on your compressed disc, your disc can then reabsorb moisture, oxygen, and nutrients that it needs to make it strong again. Giving more space to your compressed disc will encourage the bulging tissue to retract then release pressure on your irritated nerve root.
DRX 9000 Compared to the Saunders Lumbar Traction Unit
Visiting a chiropractor for an injured disc could irritate your disc more. The sudden spinal adjustments done to the spine could cause more tearing to the worn out bulging disc. Some chiropractors have a large DRX 9000 that pulls the spine to give it a nice stretch just as explained about the Saunders Lumbar Traction unit above. This device can give your compressed disc more space and allow it to retract. To get these treatments it will cost you $125 to $150 per visit and you would need to commit at least three weeks if not more to the treatment. Saunders Lumbar traction will give you the same treatment in the comfort of your own home anytime you want and will cost from $400 to $800 only once.
Importance of Physiotherapy
My experience with sciatica has taught me that physiotherapy is imperative and outweighs chiropractors by far for the simple fact that chiropractors treat bones that our out of alignment and physiotherapists treat soft tissue injuries. The plan set forth by my chiropractor did not give me the pain relief I needed and so I had to try something else. That something else was physiotherapy and the therapist that treated me had training in intramuscular stimulation that he used to relax my knotted and guarding muscles almost instantly. Relaxing and stretching out stressed muscles in your lower back and leg is important for sciatica pain relief. This in turn allows you to get the full benefit from Saunders Lumbar Traction treatments by increasing your amount of stretch. Your physiotherapist can help you understand your condition better and give you the exercises needed to regain strength in your leg as well as improve your posture.
Regina has developed a broad understanding for the underlying cause of back and leg pain and has started the Sciatica Pain Relief blog to share with other's what can help them. The best treatment for her was with the Saunders Lumbar Traction that you can find out more about on her site.
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Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Wider Angle Look At Sciatica And A More Permanent Solution

By Jay Uecker

We're going to be discussing the subject of sciatica in this short article. Sciatic nerve pain manifests itself as various types of pain extending from the low back or bum, all the way down to the foot. It's often related in any number of ways making it sound extremely painful: burning, electric shock, being stabbed with an ice pick, etc.
Sciatica takes its name from the large nerve that extends down the back of the leg, the sciatic nerve. Exiting from the anterior part of the lumbar spine and the sacrum are nerve roots. These nerves fuse together to form one large nerve known as the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is roughly the same thickness as your thumb. It leaves the posterior pelvis between the sacrum and hip bone and travels down the back of the leg, all the way to your foot. If there is a problem inside of the lower back or sacrum, the nerves there can be irritated and create irritation of the sciatic nerve. in addition to lumbar and sacrum nerve root irritation, muscle tightness can cause sciatic pain. There is a muscle that spans the sacrum and the hip bone called the piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through this muscle. Sometimes a restricted piriformis muscle can create sciatica by squeezing the sciatic nerve.
The foundation for my experience with sciatic pain comes from the concept that people tend to create protective, survival patterns within their nervous systems from the moment that they are in the womb, from the time that they are babies, and even when they are young kids. These survival patterns typically include deep tension being stored in the pelvis, belly and low back. This early on in our development, the brain doesn't have the capacity to think yet, the nervous system is just sensing into the environment. Resonance or entrainment are a couple of the terms that describe the manner in which our nervous systems are sharing information with the world around us during this stage in our lives.
We, of course, pay special attention to our father and mother as we're sensing into the world around us. As we're feeling into our parents their systems might give us the message that certain sensations, emotions and feelings are a threat; that the world's not safe. Our system uses muscle tension, posture and breath to wall off and disconnect from the problematic sensation, feeling or emotion. It utilizes our posture in order to keep certain aspects of our bodies separate from other parts and to create stretching within our spinal cord. When our spinal cord is being stretched it diminishes its ability to transmit information and reduces our ability to feel. Our system also shuts breathing down to certain areas because if you move an area and breathe into it you have to feel what is going on there and our nervous systems made the decision that certain areas are not safe to feel, and for that reason it locks the area down with muscle tension and shuts breath down to that region.
The core tension that is contained inside of the pelvis, low back and belly due to the survival programming in our nervous system, can manifest itself in a variety of ways, sciatic pain being just one of them. It could also lead to digestive system problems, reproductive organ issues, and other symptoms that are associated with the low back and pelvis area.
You can surf the web and get numerous remedies for sciatica. These options are likely to give short term relief at best. If the sciatic pain is approached from a more holistic perspective, a more permanent change can be brought about. It's possible to invite the nervous system out of survival mode so that it can observe the defensive patterns and dissipate the tension that's involved. However, in order to effect a change this way, the pelvis, low back and belly need to be approached with the greatest sensitivity.
Jay Uecker, D.C. has been practicing Network Spinal Analysis professionally since 2002. His educational journey has taken him from Lincoln, Nebraska where he received a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science, to Minneapolis, Minnesota and Northwestern College of Chiropractic where he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. He has served in places like India and Peru and is currently the director of the Network Life Center in Louisville, Colorado. Click the link to learn more about sciatica relief and other topics related to health wellness and awakening.
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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Delaying Sciatica Surgery Doesn't Worsen Prognosis

By Amee LaTour

Generally when you have a health condition, early treatment is best. This is likely true for sciatica, a condition characterized by impingement of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, extending from the lumbar vertebrae down the back of the leg to the foot on each side of the body.
The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. Spinal discs are composed of a tough exterior and a gel-like center, similar to a jelly doughnut. Through wear and tear, improper body mechanics, excess weight or traumatic injury, the exterior of a disc can crack and the fluid center can leak out. This fluid contains inflammatory chemicals; if it makes contacts with the sciatic nerve exiting the spine, it can cause sciatica. Alternatively, if the exterior of the disc weakens but doesn't crack, the fluid may be pressed to the weaker side of the disc, and the bulge it creates can press against the nerve.
Early Treatment: Surgery?
One common treatment approach for herniated discs is discectomy. This may consist in a minimally-invasive procedure, called a microdiscectomy, in which a small incision is made and small amounts of disc material are removed. Some people, however, have larger and more invasive procedures.
Should patients seek out surgery right away with sciatica? Generally, the rule of thumb concerning back surgery is to leave it as a last resort. However, patients may be concerned that putting it off will worsen their prognosis. Fortunately, there has been research into this very question that can help patients make a decision.
Some research compares long-term results of conservative care versus surgery for sciatica; one study actually assesses whether duration of preoperative sciatica impacts outcomes.
A systematic review analyzed several studies that sought to compare long-term outcomes of surgery versus conservative/usual care, two of which had low bias risk. In one, patients who had severe sciatica for 6 to 12 weeks were randomized into early surgery or conservative care groups. Thirty-nine percent of the patients in the conservative care group went on to have surgery after 19 weeks. Patients who received early surgery had quicker pain relief than those who forewent surgery. However, at the one- and two-year follow-ups, both groups had similar, satisfactory outcomes.
Another, larger study with low bias risk suggested similar conclusions. At the two-year follow-up, patients who received surgery and those who did not had comparable improvement results on all measures. Forty-five percent of those originally placed in the conservative care group went on to have surgery. The two studies with high bias risk included in the review had similar results: no long-term differences in outcomes.
See more on these studies at
Some patients in conservative care go on to have surgery. For these patients, does waiting harm their prognosis? A study released in 2014 concluded that it likely does not. Researchers categorized 240 patients according to whether their preoperative symptoms were present for more or less than one year. With a mean follow-up time of 33.7 months post-surgery, they found that the duration of symptoms prior to surgery had no significant impact on pain and disability outcomes. See more on this at
The decision to have or delay surgery for sciatica should depend on how severe the symptoms are. Based on the state of the research, patients should not fear that delaying surgery will worsen their prognosis. This is all the more reason to pursue conservative treatments, including physical therapy and inversion therapy, whenever possible.
Industrialized nations suffer from a plague of spinal health problems. The solution is learning as much as possible starting with Back Pain Solutions Online. Repetitive use injuries may lead to improper diagnosis of your back pain problem. Read more about how to use 7 strategies to reduce back pain in your life, right now.
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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Why Choose Chiropractic Care for Sciatica?

By Matthew Gianforte

Sciatica refers to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs. This leg pain can take on the form of a bad leg cramp. However, it can also take the form of shooting pains that make everything from sitting to standing uncomfortable. Sciatica can occur suddenly or develop overtime. The pain of sciatica can be made worse when you sneeze or cough. Sciatica can be one of the most painful and most persistent conditions around. Millions of individuals each year make the trip to a doctor's office with the goal of curing sciatica. What many people don't realize is that chiropractic care for sciatica is actually quite popular.
The goal of chiropractic care for sciatica is to help the body's potential to heal itself. Chiropractic care of sciatica is based on the scientific principle that restricted spinal movements can lead to pain and minimize function as well as performance. By choosing chiropractic care for sciatica, you are opting for drug-free and non-invasive care.
Chiropractors use a variety of different therapies based on the cause of each individual patient's sciatica. A chiropractic treatment plan for sciatica may include:
Cold Therapy. Your chiropractic care for sciatica may include ice or cold therapy. This helps to reduce inflammation and control the pain associated with sciatica. Cold therapy is also a process that you can learn to engage in at home for even more relief of your sciatica symptoms.
Ultrasound Therapy. Ultrasound applies gentle heat to the body by means of sound waves that can penetrate deep down into your tissues. As part of chiropractic care for sciatica, ultrasound helps to increase circulation. Ultrasound can also reduce muscle spasms, cramps, stiffness, pain and swelling.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (more commonly known as a TENS unit). A TENS unit is a small, box-shaped, portable device that is designed to help stimulate muscles. With a variety of intensities when it comes to electrical current, a TENS unit helps to control acute pain as well as reduce muscle spasms.
Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation may also play a role in chiropractic treatment of sciatica. Spinal adjustments are the core of chiropractic care and can help to free restricted movements of the spine. Spinal manipulation also helps to restore misaligned vertebrae and reduce nerve irritability. Nerve irritability is often responsible for causing pain, inflammation, muscle spasms and other symptoms that are associated with sciatica. While you may require several adjustments, many people experience pain relief in as little as one adjustment.
Chiropractic care for sciatica has been proven to combat the agonizing pain associated with sciatica. The result of chiropractic care for sciatica are long lasting and can help you return to the activities you enjoy the most. Be sure that your chiropractor takes x-rays prior to beginning any treatments. Your chiropractor should be made aware of any underlying conditions that may affect treatment options. With the help of a chiropractor, you can find a treatment plan that meets your specific needs and wants.
For help with your sciatic pain call Lifeworks Integrative Health at 913-441-2293 or visit our website at We also serve the area of Lenexa, Olathe, Overland Park, Kansas City, and the surrounding area.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How Did I Get Sciatica?

By Philip V. Cordova D.C.

Have you ever experienced sciatic pain? That's the pain that's "kind of low back, but the pain goes into the butt cheek and down the back of the leg." Have you ever had this? Do you have it now? Sciatica is a very common reason why people come into our office and there are several ways that patients get this condition.
The sciatic nerve is the big thick nerve at the bottom of your spine that travels along the same route that you're experiencing as described above. The nerve starts in the lower spine and runs down the back of the thighs and legs. Sciatica symptoms occur when there is pressure, inflammation, or damage to the sciatic nerve.
I know what I see with sciatica patients that come see us for help, but I did some digging around the internet to find out what the online world says causes sciatica versus what I see on a daily basis.
Common causes of sciatica include:
  • A bulging or herniated disc
  • Lumbar spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Trauma
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Spinal tumors

Sounds pretty terrible and it seems that very little can be helped with chiropractic care, right? Wrong. We help sciatica patients on a regular basis. Thankfully, the causes we often find are far more simple to alleviate. The simple answer to what is causing your pain is likely the problem that is often ignored when visiting a doctor that is not a chiropractor and, therefore, not looking for the same types of potential causes.
What about spinal misalignment?
That's the first thing I thought about when reviewing some online resources. Why is this not listed as a potential issue when we see it so often in patients coming into our office? Since the sciatic nerve is being affected, irritated, and pressured, we want to take a look at what is actually causing the pressure on this nerve - and that can easily be a spinal misalignment.
During the consultation and examination, I am looking for the potential causes listed above and trying to rule them out as possibilities. In most cases, we can rule nearly all of them out pretty quickly. Next, I will look for any spinal misalignments that may be creating pressure on that nerve.
The L5 vertebra, the pelvis, and the sacrum are all specific areas that I will evaluate as the leading cause of the sciatic pain. When I'm feeling along the spine, I may feel areas of heat (increased temperature due to inflammation), spasm, or point tenderness on specific joints. Any of these indicators can reveal a spinal misalignment. If these areas match up with nerve roots that can affect the sciatic nerve, then I can feel reasonably comfortable that chiropractic care can help.
Radiographic examination (x-ray) is a good idea in nearly all cases, so that you can be even more certain that there's nothing going on with the spine that would prevent you from getting chiropractic care. What we see on x-ray can also alter the types of treatment or referrals we would make to help you get the best results as quickly as possible.
Dr. Philip Cordova is a chiropractor in Houston, Texas. More information can be found on his website at
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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sciatica Pain - The Cause and Cure

By Juanita Swindell

The nerve that runs right from the lower back to the foot is called the sciatica nerve. It is the longest nerve found in the human body. Any kind of damage to this nerve can cause all kinds of pain and irritation in the feet, legs and buttock region of the body. This is called sciatica pain.
Causes of Sciatica
The most common cause of sciatica is a slipped disc. This slipped disc presses against the nerve and causes a lot of issues. Luckily, it is not very dangerous and usually does not lead to major problems like paralysis or a spinal injury. However, it can cause chronic pain and a lot of irritation.
Other causes of sciatica include:
• Arthritis and pinched nerves: The symptoms often start in the lower back region and then it goes down to the legs. Numbness also occurs in some cases.
• Spinal Stenosis: This occurs when the nerve channel narrows. This narrowing may lead to compression of the vertebral canal or the spinal cord. This problem is usually experienced by people who do a lot of manual work.
• Spondylolisthesis: This problem occurs when a vertebra is cracked, leading to it slipping over the vertebra below. Spondylolisthesis is often caused in people who have a weak posture or weak muscles in the abdomen.
• Piriformis: Piriformis occurs when these muscles touch or irritate the sciatica nerve. This problem commonly occurs in professional runners and women.
How to Cure Sciatica
Very often, sciatica simply gets healed over time. So the symptoms may last for a few months and then start to decrease and slowly disappear. However, recent studies have shown that in order to get rid of sciatica faster, exercise can help a lot. Ideally, start with some light exercise like a walk in the morning or evening. Once you can handle this without too much pain, try to graduate to running or swimming.
When a person suffers from sciatica, it is absolutely essential to stretch properly all the time. Also keep a check on your posture and visit a professional to get assistance on how to stretch properly so that you keep your muscles and nerves flexible.
If the symptoms are too much to handle, you can also look for pain relief medicines. However, get these from a professional medical practitioner and do not medicate yourself. Mild cases of sciatica can be managed with pain relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin. Amitriptyline, dothiepin and similar medicines are also prescribed in certain cases.
In cases where the pain is very severe, spinal injections may be given to the patient. However, it is essential to remember that all these drugs could have slight side effects like an upset stomach, vomiting or nausea so it is necessary to have them only when necessary.
Lakeland Spine Center is a chiropractic center that uses modern and minimally invasive techniques to help in all kinds of pain management. This center has Licensed Massage Therapists who help you with exercise, medical care and all kinds of chiropractic advice in order to relieve pain and get you back on track as soon as possible. Also check out our new page on Sciatica Pain.
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Monday, July 17, 2017

Transforaminal Epidural Injections for Low Back Pain and Sciatica

By Shirlee Ellingson

Transforaminal Epidural Injections are commonly used to treat lower back pain and pain in the legs. These injections have been considered essential to manage sciatica and lower back pain since 1952. Sometimes, the epidural injection is enough to provide pain relief, but usually the injection is accompanied by a rigorous rehabilitation program for complete recovery.
Although the results of the injections are temporary, ranging from pain relief for a week to a year, these injections can prove to be really effective when a patient suffers from acute pain in the back or legs. Especially, administering an epidural injection would allow the patient to be pain free enough to start an exercise program towards rehabilitation. If an injection provides temporary relief to a patient for a while, they can get three injections in the duration of one year.
Transforaminal Epidural Injections are equally effective for neck pain (cervical pain), and pain in the thoracic vertebrae or mid spine in addition to the lumbar region(lower back).
The focus of this article is on the treatment of sciatica and lower back pain with these injections.
Effectiveness of Injections
Physicians agree that the transforaminal epidural injections are highly effective in the short term, however their long term effectiveness is still questionable. One reason is that no proper studies have been performed on the subject.
For instance, the studies most often do not utilize fluoroscopy or X-ray to confirm that the medication was administered in the right area or not, despite it is a common practice to use fluoroscopic assistance these days. Moreover, several studies classify the patients with different diagnosis and pain sources altogether. Such flaws in the methodology make it almost impossible to draw a meaningful outcome or interpretation of the study.
There is a need for more studies to accurately determine the efficacy of these injections in treating sciatica and low back pain. Nonetheless, according to most of the studies on the subject, over 50% of the patients get pain relief in quantifiable terms through epidural steroid injections. These studies also emphasize that these injections should be administered by specialists with ample experience and fluoroscopy must be used to ensure the correct placement of the medication.
Potential Benefits of Injections
With transforaminal epidural injections, the medication is administered directly to or very near to the painful area. If we compare that to oral intake of pain medications, these injections have more focused and spot on impact without the side effects that oral medicine may have. It immediately starts controlling inflammation that causes pain. The epidural steroid injection flushes out the chemicals and inflammatory proteins that intensify the pain.
Find the best doctors and treatment facilities to treat your back pain at the Pain Management Institute, which is a Chicago pain center renowned for its orthopedic treatment helping patients with back problems, knee injuries and joint pain. Simply call 815-464-7212 to book your appointment and get freedom from pain now.
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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sciatic Nerve Cure - How You Can Use Bromelain to Relieve Your Horrible Sciatic Nerve Pain!

Sciatic Nerve Cure - How You Can Use Bromelain to Relieve Your Horrible Sciatic Nerve Pain! Sciatic Nerve Cure - How You Can Use Bromelain to Relieve Your Horrible Sciatic Nerve Pain!
By Ty Lamai
If you are looking for an effective sciatic nerve cure which you can use from the comfort of your own home, then look no further. Contrary to popular belief, the days are long gone when you had to visit your doctor constantly, due to the fact that your sciatic nerve pain flares incessantly, before you could get a relief for your pain.
More and more today, many folks are opting for natural sciatica cures. The reason for this is because an average sciatic nerve cure is available, affordable, and effective.
Added to this is the fact that more and more people are discovering that surgery and most pharmaceutical sciatic nerve cures are not permanent; in fact in some cases, they will bring you more grief in the long run.
So, since natural methods for curing sciatica are the way to go, which should you opt for and why? Well, there are a lot of natural methods for eliminating your pain but this article will look at one of such method which is notably effective.
Bromelain - What Is It?
The natural method for curing your pinched nerve which we will be discussing today is known as Bromelain. Bromelain is an anti inflammatory enzyme that can be used to relieve sciatic pain almost immediately.
It is 100% natural and can be gotten by eating pineapples. Pineapples are that only fruits known to contain this enzyme. You can take Bromelain in the middle of a sciatic flare for near instant relief from the pain.
Bromelain can be gotten from your local drugstore also. The advantage of having this enzyme in two different formats is that you can opt for the nearest one when you are feeling the pain caused by your condition.
If you are not near a drugstore, you can opt for a pineapple fruit and still get the necessary relief you require.
Bromelain - What Does It Do?
There are those of you who would really want to know what this enzyme does exactly and maybe how it does it, if possible right?
Well, just like magnesium, this enzyme, Bromelain, is supplement that has anti inflammatory properties. This means that Bromelain prevents your muscles from becoming inflamed.
A sciatic nerve cure is needed when your sciatic nerve becomes pinched due to the muscles which surround it becoming inflamed. It is this inflammation that causes a painful flare.
Bromelain - Will The Effects Last?
There is good and bad news; first the bad - unfortunately, while the sciatic pain can be instantly relieved by Bromelain, there is no guarantee that the pain won't return. In fact it will return at a later date but...
...there is an innovative method that you can apply today to permanently cure your sciatica. You can find out more about this method below...
Next; On the following page, you will find more information about sciatica remedy [] and also discover an innovative, proven, permanent cure for sciatica.
WARNING:This program is intended for people suffering from sciatic nerve pain who SERIOUSLY want to get rid of it forever! Go Here Now: []
Ty Lamai is an avid researcher and writer with in-depth knowledge spanning a wide variety of topics. He has hundreds of articles published online.
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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sciatic Nerve Pain Treatment - The Best Supplement For Instant Relief

By Sarah Neve

It's not a big secret. Sciatica equals pain. Doctor's prescriptions usually equals more pain, (on your wallet and your sanity). But there is a light at the end of that sciatic tunnel. Sciatic nerve pain treatment does not have to be expensive, painful, or involve strange alien-type drugs. In fact, one of the fastest proven oral drugs for sciatic pain requires no prescription, how sweet is that?
Supplements are a way for your body to get something it is lacking, whenever your body needs a certain nutrient, supplements are there to save the day. Sciatic nerve therapy is no different. Whether you are using them as a preemptive strike or you are in the evil clutches of a sciatic flare, supplements are ready to come to your rescue.
Sciatica Supplements - the big supplement for sciatic nerve pain treatment
If you have been reading up on supplements for sciatica, you are probably getting a lot of information thrown at you. There are great supplements out there for sciatic relief, but there is one supplement that is the best by miles. It is Magnesium and it not only works the fastest, but is also a muscle relaxer.
When your body does not have enough magnesium, your muscles tense up, this guessed it, a sciatic flare. And as we all know, this is not fun for anybody. Some people stick to getting Magnesium pills that include calcium. The reason is because Calcium is a natural painkiller.
Taking Magnesium for sciatic nerve pain treatment
Before you grab your car keys and run out of the door, there are a few rules to taking Magnesium. We all know rules are not fun, but if you fail to do these things you will just be trading one ailment for another, which I am sure is even less fun.
  1. Do not take Magnesium after 5:00 PM
  2. Aiming for 600-800 mg/day should be enough to see a difference. (Little tip here - if you start having any negative effects, stop taking this supplement until you talk to your doctor).
  3. Journal your daily dose and any effects you are feeling the next day. Keep this for your doctor.

You can get your life back. The first step is get some type of medical and homeopathic plan in place. If you need help, we have Free Tips for Sciatic Relief to help you start today.
Most sciatica sufferers do things every day that will lead to a sciatic flare. The wrong foods, the wrong exercises, even the wrong sitting position all contribute to a flare. You can take control of your sciatic nerve pain. You can get your life back without drugs or painful treatments. In fact, you can do at home in only 8 minutes a day, guaranteed. Visit [] for more information.
Start your Pain Free Life
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Friday, July 14, 2017

Sciatic Pain Relief - What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You About Sciatic Pain Relief

By Meital James

What is Sciatica?
Most of us describe this kind of pain as "pain running down to the back of the legs".
Usually it feels like a burning or tingling in the buttocks, but the pain tends to "travel" all the way to your toes. The pain tends to increase when you sit down and sometimes you can experience lower back pain as well.
Actually, sciatic pain is not a condition - It's a symptom of a condition. To find out why you have sciatic pain you must find out the underlying condition.
You may find that getting sciatic pain relief means treatment to your herniated disc. It could also be the symptom for spinal stenosis, Piriformis Syndrome or Spondylolisthesis. I know, these are big words, but it's important to understand that treating this pain will not eliminate the reason for it.
What Causes Sciatic Pain
The root cause of most of this symptom is - Muscle Imbalances. A muscle imbalance happens when you have over-developed and tight muscles in one area of your body, while the opposing muscles are weaker and stretched out of their normal position. Medication, back massages and even work out and stretches will not get you sciatic pain relief! The only way to truly solve this is returning the muscle balance back.
Why the Traditional Treatments Don't Work
The traditional treatments include NSAIDs drugs, Cortisone injections, ultrasound, exercise and electrical stimulation. These treatments do not address the muscle imbalance - the root of the problem. That's why most people do not find relief and suffer for years.
What is The Best way to Get Sciatica Relief?
Muscle Balance Therapy is one of the most powerful tools you can use to achieve sciatic pain relief - for good. The Greeks knew about this 2500 years ago. But like many natural therapies it was lost and replaced by conventional medical treatments that focus on symptom relief instead of solving the actual problem itself!
It starts with assessing the problem - finding out accurately where are the imbalances. Once that's done you will finally find the core to your problem - and learn to immediately correct it for good.
Next, find out how you can get sciatic pain relief in 7 days - "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure" is FREE on my website (limited time) at
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Thursday, July 13, 2017

How To Begin Using Yoga For Sciatica

By Faye Martins

As many wellness experts know, sciatica is a debilitating condition that can problematize an individual's ability to enjoy life and maintain mental and emotional balance. However, there are a plethora of solutions available that can limit and even eliminate symptoms. One such solution is yoga. Yoga is a great form of exercise that places primacy on creating unity between the mind and body while fostering a feeling of well-being and calm through the use of physical movements. Individuals who are interested in using yoga for sciatica can implement these three simple strategies to get started:
1. Take A Class
Because yoga has become an immensely popular form of exercise, it's relatively easy to find a recreation center or gym that offers classes. These group settings can be particularly advantageous for individuals who struggle with sciatica and are just starting to learn the exercise because they include the instruction and support of a trained instructor. Additionally, classes often bring the added benefit of group camaraderie and support from other participants. If you opt to take classes in this group setting, be sure to bring a towel, water bottle, and mat with you.
2. Purchase Instructional DVDs
This is another great option for individuals who have sciatica and want to eliminate or limit the symptoms. Instructional DVDs are a great alternative to taking group classes, especially for individuals who are introverted or simply don't enjoy exercising in front of other people. Typically, people can find instructional DVDs in their local supermarket. One great benefit of instructional DVDs is that people can utilize them at a time which is convenient for them rather than having to maintain the group class schedule of a gym or recreation center.
3. Hire A Professional Instructor
Hiring a professional instructor is yet another wonderful option for individuals who want to rid themselves of sciatica symptoms. Generally, professional instructors have extensive experience in the field and can offer individuals the type of detail-oriented, customer-centered instruction that yields great results. Hiring a professional instructor can be a fairly simple process. To get started, individuals can do a keyword search for local personal instructors on the internet or call a local gym.
A Note About Comprehensive Health
As many people already know, doing yoga is an effective way to limit the symptoms associated with sciatica. However, it's important for sciatica sufferers to note that attaining optimal health is contingent upon maintaining a lifestyle marked by holistic wellness. This means that sciatica sufferers should pay careful attention to both their diet and exercise habits in order to make their condition a thing of the past or effectively manage symptoms. Thus in addition to doing consistent exercise, sciatica sufferers should maintain a healthy diet comprised largely of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also important that sciatica sufferers periodically check in with a trained medical official to have their condition evaluated and also to optimize the plan for recovery.
Summing It All Up
Individuals who suffer with sciatica should note that yoga is a great form of exercise that can be used to combat symptoms. Individuals who are interested in beginning the exercise program right now can utilize one of the three options outlined above to get started. In so doing, sciatica sufferers will likely find that they are able to lead much happier, healthier lives.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:
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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How to Relieve Sciatica With Acupressure and Magnet Therapy

By Sean J Evans

Sciatica is a fairly common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve (a large nerve extending from the lower back to the back of each leg). It typically affects middle-aged people: the probability of experiencing sciatic nerve pain, in fact, peaks in our 50s. It is important to stress that the term sciatica describes a set of symptoms rather than a specific disease. And the most common of these symptoms is pain that extends from the lower spine to the buttock and the rear of the leg. Some people may also experience numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the affected leg. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated. This may happen for a number of reasons, although the vast majority of cases are caused by a herniated (or "slipped") lumbar disc. When sciatica is caused by lumbar disc herniation, treatment is not always necessary as the condition usually improves naturally in the space of a few weeks. However, if symptoms are severe or persistent treatment should be sought.
In the past few years, an increasing number of people have turned to acupressure to relieve acute sciatica pain in a completely natural manner-no painkillers or spinal injections. Acupressure (not to be confused with acupuncture) is an ancient therapy based on the application of physical pressure on specific points along the body. Such pressure improves blood and lymph flow and stimulates the body to release endorphins and oxytocin, thereby relieving pain and muscle tension.
Similarly, magnet therapy (also known as magnetic therapy) has been employed for millennia to relieve pain through the healing power of magnets. When placed on the skin (as close to the point of pain as possible), such magnets not only boost peripheral blood circulation, but reduce inflammation too-which can be extremely helpful in alleviating sciatica. Inflammation damages cells by altering their ionic balance: the chemical balance of the cell changes and cellular degeneration occurs. Thankfully, magnets can help restore cellular balance by creating a magnetic field that pulls ions back into alignment.
Today, it is possible to reap the benefits of both acupressure and magnet therapy through a single device: the "magnetic acupressure mat". Such mat is characterized by the "spiky" plastic discs and the cylindrical bio-magnets that cover one of its sides. However, although many different mats are now available on the market, not all of them are equally effective. In order to choose only the best ones, it is essential to pay attention to a number of elements. First of all, the aforementioned plastic discs. These are commonly known as "flowers" or "florets" and feature a series of tips which should be pyramid-shaped. Also, the number of tips per floret should ideally range between 30 and 36. A lower number may make acupressure too uncomfortable, whereas a higher number may render it too "bland" and, consequently, ineffective. It is also important to check out the mat's padding. The best acupressure mats, in fact, are those filled with vegetable fibres as they are breathable, do not lose their shape over time, do not attract mites, and, more importantly, ensure a more uniform and balanced acupressure. Moreover, unlike foam rubber and other by-products of crude oil, vegetable fibres are completely natural and eco-friendly. Lastly, the magnets should be permanent bio-magnets of medium negative polarity and should be positioned on the mat according to the principles of Stable Field Magnet Therapy. By following these simple tips, you will be able to choose the best acupressure mat and relieve sciatica quickly and effectively.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you would like to learn more on how to treat sciatica with acupressure and magnet therapy in the comfort of your own home, please click here.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

What Causes Sciatic Pain? Can Exercises For Sciatica Help?

What Causes Sciatic Pain? Can Exercises For Sciatica Help?
By Dr Bradley Moore
Sciatica is the name that is given to a common type of pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that runs down the back of the leg. This article will help to explain what causes sciatic pain, and which exercises for sciatica may be of benefit.
What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is not a medical diagnosis as such, but rather a way to describe a particular set of symptoms that can occur due to an underlying medical condition that causes compression of the sciatic nerve.
These symptoms of sciatica are usually only on one side, and may be one of, or a combination of:
  • Pain that runs from the lower back down the back of the leg or buttock. The pain can vary from a mild ache to a sharp, burning or shooting pain that can become debilitating.
  • Pain that is worse when sitting.
  • You may experience numbness, tingling or weakness in the affected leg.
  • The pain can be made worse by coughing or sneezing.
  • Sharp pain that can make it difficult to walk.

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and is about the diameter of your thumb. It runs from the lower back all the way down your leg and as well as being the biggest, it is also the longest nerve in the body. It is derived from the spinal nerves that exit the spine from L4 through to S3 joining together.
The symptoms of sciatica occur when the any one of these nerve roots that form the sciatica nerve is being compressed or irritated in the lumbar spine. This is what people classically think of as a 'pinched' nerve. It is not usually the result of a single injury, but an accumulation over time.
Most cases of sciatica will do away over time. How ever you should seek urgent medical attention if the pain has a sudden onset, is the result of a bad injury such as a car accident, it is not getting better after a week, or if you ever have trouble controlling your bowel or bladder.
What Causes Sciatica?
Compression of the sciatic nerve is most commonly caused by a herniated disc at the L5-S1 spinal level.
Other causes of sciatica are:
  • Degenerative disc disease (breaking down of the spinal discs.)
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal nerve canals in the lumbar spine, usually as a result of calcification/bone spurs.)
  • Spondylolysthesis (a condition where one vertebra slips forward on the vertebra below.)
  • Piriformis Syndrome (a muscle in the buttock that can compress the sciatic nerve if it spasms.)
  • Sacro-iliitis (Dysfunction of the sacro-iliac joint can irritate the L5 nerve root)
  • Rarer causes of sciatica may include pregnancy, spinal tumour, scar tissue, or infection.

Exercises For Sciatica
It is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis from your health care professional before starting any exercises, particularly if you are suffering with sciatica. There is not much point in stretching your Piriformis muscle if you have a disc herniation! And this is exactly why you have to be very careful before attempting any exercise regime. There is a real possibility that you could aggravate your condition if you do the wrong thing.
Below are some exercises that will help to relieve sciatica, relevant to the cause. Try to start exercising as soon as possible, within a few days of the sciatica flaring up. The longer you leave it the worse the condition becomes.
Sciatica Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome.
If the piriformis muscle, which is located in your buttock, is to tight or spasming, it can compress the sciatic nerve causing sciatica like symptoms.
Piriformis Stretch
By stretching the piriformis you can help to relieve this nerve pressure and get some relief.
Lie on your back with your legs stretched out flat. Cross the foot on the affected side over the other knee, then pull the unaffected leg towards your chest. Hold for 10-30 seconds then relax back down. You will feel a stretch, but it should not be painful, if it is then just back off a bit.
Sciatica Exercises for a Herniated Disc.
Often relief from sciatica that is caused by a herniated disc can be achieved by extending or arching the spine.
First off, try this in a standing position with your hands on your hips, and just gently arch backwards over your hands.
If you have any pain aggravation then do not do this exercise. If it is okay, after doing this for 2-3 days you can progress to doing extension exercises on the floor.
Back Extensions
Lie on your tummy, and gently lift your head and shoulders off the floor using your back muscles and propping your self up on your elbows for 10 seconds.
Begin this one very carefully and slowly as it can be quite painful at the start.
For some people, raising their painful leg is beneficial.
Lying flat on your back, slowly attempt to raise the affected leg 6 to 12 inches off the floor and hold there for 10 seconds.
This is also good to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which are important spinal stabilisers.
Sciatica Exercises for Degenerative Disc Disease.
The best exercises for DDD are stretching exercises to help to improve spinal flexibility.
Low Back Stretch
Start in a kneeling position, then sit back onto you feet.
Stretch your arms out in front of you along the floor.
Feel the stretch in your low back and hold for 10 seconds.
Move back onto your hands and knees, then gently lift one leg behind you as far as you comfortably can.
Kneeling Leg Raise
Hold for 10 seconds then do the same on the other side.
All the previous exercises are also helpful for Degenerative Disc Disease, as is walking.
Sciatica Exercises for Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is often a result of degenerative changes in the spine, so all the above exercises can be of benefit.
Try them all, you should find that some feel good and some feel bad. Simply, don't do the bad ones, and do the good ones! Everybody is different, so try them for yourself.
Sciatica Exercises for Spondylolisthesis.
The idea of these exercises for spondylolisthesis is to teach the spine to be more stable in flexion and extension movements (backwards and forwards). Abdominal strength is key!
Leg Raise
Start lying flat on your back, slowly attempt to raise the affected leg 6 to 12 inches off the floor and hold there for 10 seconds.
Repeat with the other leg.
Tummy Sucks
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Notice that your lower back is arched up off the floor slightly.
Suck your tummy in, and press your lower back onto the floor and hold for 10 seconds.
Sit-ups are great for really getting your abs strong.
Lying on the floor as above, lift your upper body (head and shoulders) off the floor by curling up.
Don't try to lift to high, just enough to get your shoulders slightly off the floor. Repeat 10 times.
You can do more sets of 10 as you get better!
Sciatica Exercises for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.
Inflammation of the Sacro-iliac joint can cause sciatica like symptoms. This is usually the result of abnormal joint movement and can be assisted by stretching.
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Pull the knee on the affected side up to your chest as far as you can, then hold for 10 seconds.
You can also pull the knee across your body towards the opposite shoulder to amplify the stretch.
Before beginning any exercise program, particularly exercises for sciatica, you should see a health professional to get a correct diagnosis for your pain to rule out any potentially serious problems.
The proper exercises differ based on the underlying condition that is causing the sciatic pain, so patients should not try to self-treat their sciatica before consulting a health professional.
Dr Bradley Moore
For more on natural methods of treating back pain and many other ailments, check out also offers a neurologically based, on-line Back Pain Rehabilitation program. It is the only on-line course with full video instruction, that uses the latest scientific advances in the field of neuroplasticity to ensure that you will fix your back pain, and get lasting results!
This total back pain solution is proven to work for all types of back pain. You can join the thousands of people worldwide who have been able to say goodbye to all those temporary fixes and band aid remedies, and actually get results that WILL last a lifetime.
Plus, you can get these results totally naturally, without the use of medications, surgery or any fancy equipment, right in the comfort of your own home!
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Monday, July 10, 2017

Six Natural Sciatica Treatments To Stop Pain Now And You Can Get Your Life Back Today

By Stuart Ward

Sciatica pain often disappears within about six weeks, but sadly for some of us the pain can last months or even years. If this is happening to you it probably feels like you've lost your former active lifestyle for good.
It's sad to learn:
  • Some sciatica sufferers have never managed to find a remedy.
  • Some sufferers reduce their movements, limit family time, social time and "me" time rather than put up with the nagging or screaming pain.
  • Others choose to stay in bed, thinking rest will end the misery.
  • Some feel that surgery is the only way, thinking the pain will never go away.

Are you one of them?
You don't have to deal with sciatica pain all your life, you can stop it now with these natural holistic sciatica treatments.
#1: Chiropractic care
Spinal manipulation is the basis of chiropractic therapy and may be beneficial for up to a year. It's aim is to restore the normal mobility of the affected area in the lower back, stimulating the nervous system to ease the pain and discomfort. Chiropractic therapy can also reduce inflammation and promote the body's natural healing process.
#2: Acupuncture
The ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture where certain "pressure points" on specific regions of the body are manipulated to stop sciatica. Pain relief is usually immediate, but it may take up to twelve sessions to stop sciatica pain for good.
#3: Yoga
Another health promoting exercise based on ancient eastern wisdom. Yoga improves flexibility in the spine and strengthens muscles allowing you to move in a more natural fluid way. You will develop better body posture and balance. Poor body posture is normally the single most cause of lower back pain and sciatica.
#4: Massage
'Trigger-point therapy,' in particular, can help get rid of sciatica pain by applying pressure to the inflamed or irritated areas (trigger points) of the piriformis muscles as well as to the glutes and the lower back area.
However, this make take up to four sessions and they should ideally be spaced about a week apart.
#5: Heat or ice packs
Apply a heat pad or ice pack to the affected area for about fifteen minutes to relieve pain when needed.
#6: Exercise
Now I'm guessing you're thinking exercise is the last thing you want to do when you're struggling with sciatica pain!
Exercise isn't such a bad idea as you may think. It can increase blood flow to the nerves and spinal discs, flushing out chemicals that trigger inflammation.
Begin gently with simple exercise like walking for twenty minutes then gradually build up from there.
Doing nothing will probably aggravate your sciatica further leaving you in pain for longer. If anything, a little exercise will leave you feeling good about yourself.
Of course, it's always best to get your doctor's advice and go ahead before beginning any strenuous exercise program.
I'm a firm believer in natural treatment for sciatica pain for I feel taking a holistic approach towards our wellness prevents many of life's nagging and irritating pains and ailments. Prevention is always better than cure!
After many years of painstaking research and study through martial arts training and eastern philosophy, Stuart has gained vast experience of pressure point therapy, stretching and takes a natural holistic approach towards healing. Please visit:
If you're serious about stopping your sciatica pain naturally and for good, then please visit:
Article Source:

Sciatic Nerve Pain Remedy And Treatment

By Steven Sea With the changes in the way we live, compared to our fore fathers, there has been an emergence of complications th...