By Justin Benjamin Nisbett
What is Sciatica?
If you have Sciatica Symptoms there's little doubt surrounding it. Let's first define what Sciatica Symptoms are so we understand what we're experiencing.
Sciatica is the name for pain originating from the Sciatic Nerve which happens to be the longest and largest nerve in your body. It can be the size of one of your fingers where it meets your lower spine. In which it travels from your lower back to your hips, buttock, down the leg where it branches at your knee (both your legs have sciatic nerves).
What are the Symptoms of Sciatica?
Now that we know what the Sciatic Nerve is what are the symptoms of Sciatica?
There can be pain felt along where the Sciatic Nerve runs and can be felt deep inside your buttocks, pain can also travel down the back of your leg and occasionally in your foot.
This pain can be accompanied by tingling sensations, pins and needles, numb feeling and occasionally weakness in your leg. But take note Sciatica is usually only in one leg but can rarely affect both.
How to get Sciatica Relief.
So how exactly do we instantly relieve most Sciatica Symptoms and Pain?
Using balls, with the correct technique you can use a ball like object to create space between your sciatica nerve and the objects pinching it creating your Sciatic Pain.
There are a number of balls on the market which are designed in shape and size to relieve Sciatica however some sufferers have found even Tennis Balls to work effectively.
How to Relieve Sciatic Pain.
Using either your purchased product (generally more effective due to their shape,size and density) or a simple tennis ball. Laying flat on your bed place the ball around the mid section of your lower back and lift your feet off the ground holding both your knees with your hands in a fetal like position. Hold this position for 30 seconds and finally lower your legs. Move the ball down to the next position (usually the same distance as the width of the ball) and repeat the process.
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More information: Sciatica Symptoms
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